Mike on the Issues

Mahalo for taking the time to learn more about my highest priorities for improving the quality of life in Hawaiʻi for generations to come.

Keeping our neighborhoods safe

Community residents deserve a place where our keiki and kūpuna can grow and age with security and peace. Many factors have led to heavy traffic, increased property damage, insufficient parking, and frequent disruptions in our neighborhoods. We need to work together with the local and state governments to reclaim our neighborhoods.

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Strengthening Our Education System

A 21st century education needs to account for current and future social, economic, and technological change. Many of the jobs our children will have in life don’t exist yet. Our schools and educators need increased funding, proper training, and support, and a system that allows for learning outside of the classroom in partnership with government, non profits, unions, and the industries they will work for someday.

Supporting Local Businesses and Commerce

As a previous and current small business owner, I understand the challenges facing small businesses in Hawaiʻi. It can be difficult for these businesses to grow when the government continues to raise debilitating taxes on them. I support small business incentives and new startups in emerging fields that will help create new jobs and add to local commerce

Reducing Impacts of Overtourism

Our district has been overrun by tourism that has alienated residents, strained our infrastructure, and decimated natural habitats in the name of Instagram. Overtourism is a complex problem that needs to be further explored with industry authorities. While we cannot decrease visitors’ interest in our community, we can change the way visitors think of their experience. We should work to educate them about their impact, provide alternative ways to engage in recreation, and promote regenerative and sustainable tourism.